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Running For

Marketing Committee

Howard M.


  • He / Him


The TechChannel Partners' Results Group, Inc.

Candidate Statement

Candidate Prompt:
Please tell us why you wish to serve in this office. You may include actions you wish to promote, or anything you would like members to know. Limit 500 words.

I’m passionate about advancing the professional posture of the channel, and want to bring my compelling content to bear to promote that goal.

Relevant Experience

Candidate Prompt:
Please describe your relevant experience – what you bring to the office. Limit 500 words.

After 35 years as a channel executive I’ve spent the past 15 years writing for and about the channel. I’ve also spent most of my career marketing, developing business, and driving sales for channel companies.

Organizational Affiliations

Special Skills

Program development
Strategic planning
Effective speaker

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Code of Ethics

Check out the brand new Code of Ethics presented at the Quarterly Member Meeting on Nov 9. It’s still a draft,  feedback welcome.

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