Logo Contest
- Max of three entries per person
- Logos may be either square or rectangle format
- Upload size no larger than 1,000 x 1,000 pixels
PNG and JPEG formats accepted
- additional filetypes may be requested if you win - Decisions of the judges will be final
- See prizes below!
The NSITSP is (might be) looking for a fresh logo we can all be proud of. What better way than to invite you and your fellow members to get creative and see what you can come up with?
What we’re up to: We need to choose between our current logo (created before the organization officially existed) and something newer, fresher, more representative, etc.
So we’re holding a contest. Any member can submit a design, up to three designs. The Marketing Committee will pick three “winners” to be voted on. The first vote will be, should we keep the current logo. Then, if not, which of the three options will be our new logo?
All decisions must be ratified by the Board of Directors. Why? Google “Boaty McBoatface.”
Here’s what we’re looking for. Your design should represent these characteristics:
- Professionalism
- High Standards
- IT Expertise
(Note: A rough draft is fine. We can have a graphic designer finalize the design, if you win.)
Logo Submission Form
The Logo Contest is now closed for submissions
Thank you to all participating members!
The Board of Directors is selecting the finalists. A member-wide vote will take place soon – they have their work cut out for them!
Stay tuned!
First Prize
Glory, bragging rights, use of your logo on all NSITSP posts, documents, letterhead, etc. plus a $250 Amazon gift card
Second Prize
$100 Amazon gift card
Third Prize
$50 Amazon gift card