Recorded Member Meetings

Community Meetings

Open to all current and prospective members.
Community meetings occur quarterly and are recorded and posted below.

Past Meetings

Skip to different videos in the playlist on the right.
Links and chat for each video are below.


Nicole Singleton Norman: Again. We’re very excited to welcome you to our meeting. We will have quarterly meetings throughout the year, and excited to see each and every one of you. We do recognize that. The society exists to really bring people and businesses and ideas together, and this past year has been very exciting with a number of webinars and legislative Q and A’s and great activities from our committees. So today, I want to just remind you of our vision, which is to be the voice of the industry, defining the standards for professionalism and IT services. We are hosting this meeting in compliance with our code of ethics as well as directly aligned with our vision and mission, and our hope is to have not only a time where we’re updating you on what’s going on with NSITSP, and its volunteer leaders, but also to hear from you. So please feel free to post and chat. We will open up our time together with a live Q and A. As well, but feel free to use the chat to post any questions that you may have as well throughout our time. As far as this recording is concerned, we will make this available. This will be posted within 24 hours on our YouTube channel as well as on the NSITSP website, and that will be posted under our recorded member meetings. For today’s agenda, we will definitely hear from our President Amy with an update on the Society and any reports from the board. I didnít introduce myself. My name is Nicole Singleton Norman, and I am the new executive director to NSITSP. And of course, I cannot even begin to feel the shoes of our founder and initial executive director, Carl. But believe me, I’m learning as I go. I will provide some announcements from the management office. Also, we will have our Vice President Heather, who will introduce our committees which will provide reports. And then today we will highlight our marketing committee and there’s a lot of activity, and we’re eager to hear from our marketing committee. And then again, we will open up for any discussion. Your photo is being captured. So, if you’d like to go off camera, you can do that. Also, the audio is being recorded. At this time, I’m going to ask Amy if she would provide us with any remarks or updates. Please.


Amy Babinchak: Thank you. Good morning, everybody. If you’re new to the concept of NSITSP, let me just take a minute and introduce ourselves to you. Carl P and I founded this organization because it was time was time that our craft became a profession, and as MSP owners and IT people working in this industry for a long time, we were just tired of having to compete with those that are less than professional. This last week I was at SMB Techfest, one of our great vendor partners, and I spoke to many people at our booth, and I asked if they ever ran into a shady IT professional? Well, as you sure you probably know, every one of them said, yes. and we know this problem exists. But there hasn’t been a way for us to fix it. And this organization is going to fix that problem. It hasn’t happened yet, and it won’t happen this year, either. But our hardworking committee members are making strides in that direction little by little, and we will get there in the end. Consumers of our services will be able to tell IT people apart, much like they understand what sort of person in the field of mechanics does, what type of work they know, what to expect from someone at the oil chain shop and from someone whose a certified mechanic with a specialization in electronics. We need that level of understanding in IT, too. So yesterday I had a massage. I know you’re all jealous. The therapist was telling me that she’s going to be off work for a few days because she has to attend to class and finish her continuing education hours in order to renew her license. Imagine that a massage therapist has a higher requirement to be able to work in the field than we do. So, in addition to the work that has to be done to build a system that will recognize and define professionalism, we also need members. Today, we’re getting close to a thousand members of varying types. More business owners are joining their whole company, which is really great to see and although we haven’t actually counted up those associate members in our totals. But at any rate, we’re somewhere between 1,000 2,000 members. But that doesn’t really get us the respect that’s required to make the real change. We need 10,000 members, or even 100,000 members. Today, you’re going to hear from each of our committees. They will have a summary of what they’ve been up to and how you can help. Our feature committee is marketing, and these are the folks that are in charge of getting us to those daunting numbers. But it won’t just be up to them. It is up to all of us to get the word out there that we exist. that we have an important mission. and that everyone needs to join and support the cause. So I want now to bring back Nicole. She’s going to give us a short report on some of our key statistics and information about upcoming events.


Nicole Singleton Norman: Thank you Amy, and just to build on to the numbers that Amy mentioned to us, we currently have

258 professional members. And we have 58 company members. Again. With various numbers of contacts on our database. We also have 16 associate members and 621 members who registered when the organization was just launched as either free members or, continue to join us as registered guests, for a total of 953. So just shy of that 1,000 mark that we’re aiming to get here in very a short order. In addition to that we know that as a membership organization, we’re always looking for volunteers. Is it? With anything you get out of IT? What you put in so highly encourage you to reach out to us. You can shoot us an email to the to express your interest in our committees. We currently have 4 active committees, and that includes our finance, our governance, legislative and marketing committees. And we will hear from those chairs today. But please please consider getting involved and engaged in addition to the professional development opportunities that we offer. I do wanna just mentioned, about some of our past and upcoming sessions typically each month we have a content-based webinar some of those that we’ve had here in recent months included bad customer interactions hit your bottom line that came out in January. We also had both Amy and Carl lead a session on retirement. So twentieth century. That was a great session. And and as business owners or business leaders this is really key to take note of. We also have highlighted AI is revolutionizing customer service and anatomy of a plan. And all of these recordings are available on the Ns. It website the actual recording of the Zoom presentation as well as a transcript. So I encourage you to go out to the Member resources section – it’s definitely one of your benefits as members, and it’s available for you there under the resources section of the NSITSP website. Every month we have a a very, very interactive legislative Q&A. Session. This is great because we learn about various legislations being proposed across the country, and then also receive tips on how to best engage with legislators in our various states or communities.


Nicole Singleton Norman: So all are welcome to attend this. This is a open session, and it takes place every first Tuesday in the month. So we have one that’s approaching quickly on Tuesday, March fifth. Please mark your calendars, and we’ll definitely have email reminders as well. But please put these on your calendar. Because this is a great interactive session and a great time for you to get your hands


on resources. And we do also have legislative resources available on our website.


Nicole Singleton Norman: We will again meet for our next all member meeting on May eighth


Nicole Singleton Norman: again. These take place the second Wednesday of each of the second month of each quarter. So again we’ll meet May, August and November.


Nicole Singleton Norman: and then we also ask you to join our conversation on our social media pages. So if you have not yet joined as members or interested members, or our vendor partners please join in on our conversation. Our social media links are posted here. But we definitely have these links from our website as well. So if you haven’t signed up or followed us, please do so today.


Nicole Singleton Norman: And then we have a number of partners that we encourage you to meet up with us. And then also we also encourage our members to volunteer in supporting Nsi Tsp, at various shows. We typically have a booth with booth during the the vendor or expo opportunities.


Nicole Singleton Norman: These include Channel pro Channel Company exchanges coming up soon. I know that we’ll have a presence with Channel wise coaching cafe Msp. Rescue and the all of the shows at Smb. Techfest as well. So please visit this and we’ll have the links available. In the recording and on our website for these shows.


Nicole Singleton Norman: If you’re interested in volunteering, we definitely equip all of our volunteers with materials. To support Ns Itsp again, it’s a great way to network and connect and further expand our organization so feel free to reach out to, which is our email again, reach out to us, either through the contact page on our website or via email.


Nicole Singleton Norman: We would love to see you there and and connect. And even if you’re they’re attending, please drop by our booth just to say Hi and and connect with other Ns Itsp members.


Nicole Singleton Norman: I wanna send a a very special thanks out to our vendor partners who’ve already either joined us in 2024, or have renewed for 2024


Nicole Singleton Norman: really, as a newer organization, as we continue to grow and provide value and resources to our members. Our vendor partner community is so important to our organization. So if you know of any vendors that definitely fit in and with Nsp, and would like to be a part of our organization. Please make the connection and then also to our vendor


Nicole Singleton Norman: partners that may be present. Thank you so very, very much, and if you see any of these vendor partners, please thank them as well for just their continued support of Nsi, Tsp.


Nicole Singleton Norman: and there’s more information about our vendor partner program on our website. If you’re interested in being a part.


Nicole Singleton Norman: And at this time I’m going to introduce our Vice President Heather and Heather will introduce each of our committee chairs. Thank you.


Heather Johnson: Thank you, Nicole. I’m really happy to be here today with you all of Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day to everybody.


Heather Johnson: Committees! I know


Heather Johnson: you think I don’t want to be on a committee. That’s a lot of work. Or I don’t know about finance, or governance, or legislative or marketing. That’s fine.


Heather Johnson: but it’s actually more fun than you think, and you probably know a lot more than you think you do about these things. We really, we really want to get a wide variety of people to join together and be on these committees, and they’re always looking for more members


Heather Johnson: some of the neat things that I’ve seen by attending some of the meetings in the past is, you know, the finance Committee. They’re not all finance professionals, but they’re working together. They have interest in in, in money issues and getting things working the right way. You don’t need to be an expert in marketing, and you know what you might learn a few things you can bring back to your Msp. As well. So there’s a lot of advantages


Heather Johnson: in volunteering, and we’d really love to see you be a part of one of these committees. So make sure if you have an interest that you join you email, because we would just love to have you join us there.


Heather Johnson: I’m going to start with the Finance Committee and Tracy Hardin, who’s going to give us? Tell us a little bit about what they’ve been working on.


Tracy Hardin: Oh.


Tracy Hardin: sorry I had to check my mute there. Hey, everybody! Thanks, Heather! You kind of stole some of my thunder. My committee is actually looking for help and like she already said, you don’t have to be an expert in


Tracy Hardin: accounting or finance. All you have to do is care about how.


Tracy Hardin: and sits, spends or money. That’s what we’re looking for. So love to have another one or 2 members to our committee right now, we’re working on a program. Well, budgets done


Tracy Hardin: for this year. So right now, we are working on a program to hey.


Tracy Hardin: it’s like, it’s an expense donation program. So we have particular expenses that we need pay to run in sits as an overall organization. So


Tracy Hardin: we would love to have more donations come into for particular needs. So my committee is working on that. Those are the kinds of things we do in my committee. We yeah, we do budget. And we talk about money. And look at the bottom line and review financials. But we also look at ways


Tracy Hardin: to make the organization.


Tracy Hardin: Can’t use word profitable, but to bring money in to fund the programs that we want to do.


Tracy Hardin: It’s going to take a lot of money to make the changes we want to do. So we are always looking for great ideas to bring in more funds of.


Tracy Hardin: We are also focused on being member driven and not vendor driven. So that’s an extra challenge we’re working on. But that’s what we got going on right now. Would love to have a couple more volunteers on my team as well. Thanks.


Heather Johnson: thank you, Tracy, that brings us to Dennis Wilson and the Legislative Committee.


Heather Johnson: Do we have Dennis here?


Denis Wilson: You let me know. Is that it?


Denis Wilson: Okay? Great? Thank you. Heather. Our committee is providing guidance for advocacy for it service providers.


Denis Wilson: and we have a full complement of of 7 members currently with an average of of 10 attending each of the meetings. So we actually have a a pretty healthy group of folk who meet with us all the time and and are are putting their ideas in and and volunteering to talk to legislators.


Denis Wilson: Anyway, the current projects that we have going on. We’ve got about 4 of them.


Denis Wilson: we currently maintain a brochures and guidelines and video trainings for advocacy efforts by our society members. Second, we hold a monthly Zoom Meetings as


Denis Wilson: as I was stated previously.


Denis Wilson: this is a Q&A. Resource for society members who are looking for assistance in their efforts to open doors with legislators throughout the the country.


Denis Wilson: Third, we have. We’re also building a calendar of pertinent legislation that is actively


Denis Wilson: active. And and so we know, who’s doing, what? To whom, where?


Denis Wilson: And fourth, we have


Denis Wilson:  targeted us several looking for several states that we can target that we can set up test sites with. And and as part of the advocacy, we


Denis Wilson: take what we have currently, and see if that’s sufficient if we need to have more or need to change the the way in which we talk to the legislators and and their staff, and and that kind of thing. So we’re we’re working on setting that up over the next couple of months.


Denis Wilson:  I wanted to thank all of our members for their their


Denis Wilson: assistance in in making great things happen at within this committee, and to invite any society members to our meetings


Denis Wilson: and to participate in advocacy. It is critical to it. Service providers in in this world of growing regulation. Thank you much.


Heather Johnson: Thank you so much, Dennis and I always love hearing what they’re doing. It makes me wanna like run down and with signs and and meet people and make a difference. And so, you know, I hope you’re motivated by that. I mean, obviously, they’re motivating people if they have so many people on their committee. But you don’t have to be on that committee to find out how to make a difference with them. So reach out and figure out what you can do and who you can meet, and who you know to get our voice out there.


Now I have Jason Thomas, who’s going to give us an update about the Governance Committee.


Jason Thomas: Good day, everyone.


Jason Thomas: Quick. Update the Governance committee is generally in charge of our elections. That happened in the fall. and we’re also working on


Jason Thomas: the an ethics


Jason Thomas: framework to to follow. Once we get large enough


Jason Thomas: to actually need some kind of reporting mechanism for that. The third thing we’re working on is actual


Jason Thomas: Let’s see badges or way for members to self certify that they’re agreeing to follow our code of ethics where they can list qualifications.


Jason Thomas: If you’ve been an NSITSP ambassador


where you’re


Jason Thomas: or a recruiter. So you’re bringing in new membership and a way to recognize all of our users. With those.


Jason Thomas: with those activities.


Jason Thomas:  we’ve got a full committee and we’re very busy in the fall with elections, but this time of year it’s there’s not much going on


Jason Thomas: so shorten to the point.


Heather Johnson: Thanks, Jason, that’s great.


Heather Johnson: Last step we have Andy Higgins in the marketing committee meeting or the marketing committee update. I want to give a little tip, though. Before I hand it over to Andy. If you ever see one of our posts, come up.


Heather Johnson: share it like it, and write something.


Heather Johnson: Give us 5 words. If you give us 5 words, we end up being up higher. In other people’s feeds, and that helps us get the word out. So please help us by not only just liking and sharing, but right a little something. Get that conversation going will help us so much.


Steve Kazan: Okay, so that’s my marketing tip. And and Andy, it’s to you, hey, Heather! This is Steve Kazan. Andy is at a conference in a warm tropical place. So I’ve drawn the straw to do the presentation for the marketing committee


Steve Kazan: and if we could switch to the next slide, I’ll kind of walk through what we’re doing. Thank you


Steve Kazan: from the get-go


Steve Kazan: on the tip on Linkedin. If you’re not following the organization on Linkedin.


Steve Kazan: I’m fine with you, going right now to Linkedin and find the National Society of


Steve Kazan:  it Service professionals and follow us right now. And then you will. We will then be in your feed, and you will then start to see all the posts that are coming out.


Steve Kazan: and we’ve gotten one of the things the marketing committee has done in the past, I would say. Month and a half is worked with Nicole and her team to do a lot more posts. So building up the brand of our organization and getting the visibility that we need for for the group.


Steve Kazan: But let me just talk a little bit about what the marketing committee does.


Steve Kazan: and it sort of falls into a couple of different categories. But our main focus is on growing. The organization, both in terms of members and sponsors.


Steve Kazan: If there are folks out there that have friends and relatives that are in the MSP world, or the MSP vendor world


Steve Kazan: do us a favor reach out to those folks, send them the link to our website and get them to sign up. Make you know. Let them know that this is an organization that they should be supporting.


Steve Kazan: If you have vendors that you like, small vendors, that could be sponsors that want to get some love from the Nsitsp. By all means, let us know. Reach out to us or reach out to them. Have them get a hold of us.


Steve Kazan: So this is the part of my slide where we’re doing the reference selling piece. So if you can provide us those tips and leads, that would be great


Steve Kazan: the other thing that the marketing committee does is we have a Webinar series, and our webinar series is very, very focused on


Steve Kazan:  helping build the professionalism of of our audience.


Steve Kazan: and part of that is through


Steve Kazan:  marketing tips, operational tips. But the last one we had I want to kind of point out. because it’s a topic that doesn’t come up very often, which is how to improve your personal interactions.


Steve Kazan: to build your business. And what sort of drove. This was a bad personal interaction


Steve Kazan: call caused the loss of a customer.


Steve Kazan: and Lisa Shore was our presenter. She’s an Msp. Owns an Msp. Understands how the process works.


Steve Kazan: And


Steve Kazan: really, provided a fantastic presentation on how?


Steve Kazan:  you know you as an Msp can


Steve Kazan: build and improve your customer interactions so that you don’t lose customers, and you build their loyalty, and you grow


Steve Kazan: your revenue per client.


Steve Kazan: So if you have a chance, or haven’t had a chance to see that one. I thought that was a really useful, and the feedback we got on that presentation was


Steve Kazan: that it was excellent and very productive.


Steve Kazan: The other topics that we talk about are AI. So this is kind of a personal favorite of mine.


Steve Kazan: We have an AI Work group that meets periodically, and we share information and best practices around how AI is going to impact Msps.


Steve Kazan: if you’re interested in being part of that group or understanding more about. You know what’s going on with AI. By all means reach out to or reach out to me directly and we’re happy to to invite you to one of the meetings and have you participate and contribute to our learning around what’s going on with AI.


Steve Kazan: We have done a series of webinars related to AI and how it impacts Msps. The first one was about marketing. We then talked about security.


Steve Kazan: which is a huge issue around AI. The last one presentation was in December around automating customer service.


Steve Kazan: Which is, if you haven’t seen the impact of customer Service AI and customer service yet. You definitely will. And you definitely should look into how it’s gonna impact your particular business.


Steve Kazan: If you have any suggestions. Here’s another. Ask on Webinar topics. again, by all means reach out. Let us know what interests you, what drives your business, and what could help you become more professional.


Steve Kazan: And we’re happy to to dig into those and figure out when we can


Steve Kazan: get great speakers and great presenters. So if you know any great speakers or presenters? By all means let us know.


Steve Kazan:  The other thing. We’re spending a lot of time on on our meetings is


Steve Kazan: building the plan. So the group of us we meet every other week.


Steve Kazan: and we’re making good progress on


Steve Kazan: figuring out the messaging and the process of sharing that message


Steve Kazan: and building out the marketing plan. I’ve got to hand it to


Steve Kazan: to Howard. Who’s on the call, and David and and Andy


Steve Kazan: and Cameron, very productive, very forward-looking


Steve Kazan:  discussions and work being done to build out that marketing plan and then communicating that marketing plan out to out to the audience.


Steve Kazan: We are looking for a couple of more volunteers. So if you have marketing experience, if you don’t have marketing experience, if you work for a managed service provider, or you work for a managed service provider vendor.


Steve Kazan: We’re a pretty welcoming group



Steve Kazan: so by all means, you know. Find out and come and attend one of our calls, and see see where that’s headed.


Steve Kazan: I don’t know. I’ve taken a lot of time, but I think this is useful. The the last ask has to do with the newsletter, and so part of the


Steve Kazan: the communication and the value


Steve Kazan: of what the and NSITSP does


Steve Kazan: is success stories. So we’re looking for success stories. So Howard and I, mainly Howard.


Steve Kazan: is it? a writer!


Steve Kazan: Right? That’s his. That’s his superpower. And what he’s looking for are people that have.


Steve Kazan: or stories of improvements, stories of professionalism, and stories where


Steve Kazan: best practices in the MSP World could be shared with other members. So


Steve Kazan: if you’ve got a story that you think would be useful to share or interesting to other managed service providers.


Steve Kazan: let us know, reach out to us. We’re happy to have the conversation. If it looks like it’s really interesting, we’ll we’ll do an interview and write up a little post, and then that post can then be shared and educate the rest of the organization. So


Steve Kazan: with that, I’m happy to take any questions in the Q&A. Session.


Steve Kazan: To get a hold of Howard, if you have a story, it’s again feel free to reach out, and he’s posted that in the chat. So heather. I think that’s all I’ve got for this report, but happy again to take questions.


Heather Johnson: Wonderful. Thank you so much, Steve. You know I always feel like the marketing committee. Their webinar series has

Heather Johnson: really educational


Heather Johnson: information that I haven’t really seen anyone else doing. They they really come up with some unique speakers and and and interesting topics. So it’s a great value. It’s it’s really a great value. And I wanna just take 2¬†s to thank all of our committee members, and board members that that volunteer their time so graciously and always with a smile on their face. And and make all of this happen because it’s a lot of work. But


Heather Johnson: it’s fun work, and we’re really doing great things. So thank you. It’s it’s a pleasure to serve with you, and I’ll send it back to Nicole.


Nicole Singleton Norman: Thank you so very much heather. I appreciate it and thank you, Steve, for also sharing the marketing update. I definitely appreciate that and at this time we do want to open up for a. Q&A. And any questions that our members have


Nicole Singleton Norman: feel free to come off mute and raise your hand. Listen! I think that would kind of help us more if you were to raise your hand and we’ll entertain those questions.


Steve Kazan:  so, Nicole, we did have a question about the status of the CISA organization and the CISA activity.


Steve Kazan: and I don’t know


Steve Kazan: chat about that a little bit.



Karl Palachuk: I think Chris is not on the call, but Chris Barber is our representative to CISA and he sits on the small business community sub council, or whatever. I don’t know if they call it exactly, but it’s the small business council for CISA with the Federal Government.


Karl Palachuk: and they’ve taken a long time to get organized, but they are finally organized and meeting. And so you know, one of the things that we talked about. Amy, Amy and I talked about 2 and a half years ago. We wanna seat at the table whenever anybody is talking about it consultants.


Karl Palachuk: And this is a perfect example of something that


Karl Palachuk: Chris has worked crazy hard to get us a seat at the table and is now representing us. with this board. And there are other, obviously, a couple of dozen small business organizations that are on that board or on that committee. But NSITSP is absolutely one of them. So they haven’t really


Karl Palachuk: done a great deal yet, except get organized. But they’re finally organized, and they will be meeting, and with luck Chris will have more to report to us in about 3 months.


Amy Babinchak: We’re also a member of the It Services Sector Council with CISA


Amy Babinchak: And so we actually have 2 seats with system now, and that’s it is critically important to our overall mission. As Carl mentioned. Now, we’ve not been good at disseminating that information to our members. That’s something that that we do have on our to do list to improve that to get that out to you and our regular newsletters, and also to do some publishing.


Amy Babinchak: And we have Mark lined up to help us do that because he’s a member also. So


Amy Babinchak: I appreciate our volunteers, and it’s in the work. So you’ll be seeing a lot more information coming from our size. Affiliation



Amy Babinchak: any more questions from anybody.


Amy Babinchak: Larry had an important tip in the


Amy Babinchak: in the comments. If you haven’t seen it about Linkedin, and


Amy Babinchak: you know the the best way to get the the biggest impact. That is.


Amy Babinchak: it’s important to understand how the various social medias work. And he’s right. So


Amy Babinchak: actually sharing the post on Linkedin. And then, you know, adding your own message to it is the best way to get to


Amy Babinchak: increase their reach for us in Linkedin.


Nicole Singleton Norman: Great! Thank you and pierce would you like to unmute?


Pierce Rehn: You see that your hands raised time?


Pierce Rehn: And so I’m just kind of getting a feel for the right areas. I was wondering, like recommendations. for, like maybe future webinars. Which committee should I



Pierce Rehn: look at


Pierce Rehn: being part of, or offering things for questions I get from my customers to, I guess, help. Other Msps stay up to date with.


Pierce Rehn: for instance, like new cyber insurance and the pros and the cons, and what these MSPís are going to need to.


Pierce Rehn: I guess, on the consultant side, be aware of like regular training is definitely something they need to check the box. And these are some vendors


Pierce Rehn: that we use like, where’s the collaborative


Pierce Rehn: work that, or what committee can help



Pierce Rehn: or other Msps that become members to join? Look for this information?


Steve Kazan: So pierce the answer to your questions. The marketing committee. right? So send an email to either admin at Ns Itsp or to me. It’s Steve Kazan at


Steve Kazan: enter


Steve Kazan: And yeah, we would love to have


Steve Kazan:  topics for webinars, and I guess my one question is,


Steve Kazan: cyber insurance. Is that a topic that


Steve Kazan: you’re interested in. I mean it definitely. There are


Steve Kazan: presenters out there brokers ready to sell their wares, but they’re probably also some experts out there that can talk about what’s changed and the impact on Msps in terms of cyber insurance.



Steve Kazan: So do I get a thumbs up. Is that a good topic.



Pierce Rehn: Yeah, I think so. I just think a lot of I see a lot of my customers. You know they have it, but they don’t really know what it is or what they need to do if they ever use it.


Pierce Rehn: And a lot of Msps, they don’t sell it, and I’m not on the sales side, obviously a little bit of it, but


Pierce Rehn: a lot of it, you know. Customers aren’t going to pass if they do need to use it because they’re not checking all the compliance or the regulations to cover their insurance policy.


Pierce Rehn: whether it be multi-factor on admin accounts or regular training. and what is regular training? Does that differ from industry? Does that differ from geographic location?


Pierce Rehn: There’s a lot of details in there that I think could help. and Ms. P. Provide more value to their end customer, and as an It. Professional



Pierce Rehn: or a service provider, you know.


Pierce Rehn: differentiate themselves from their competitors.


Steve Kazan: Great. Thank you for that. That’s good.


Amy Babinchak: So, Pierce. I’m 100% on board with you. With the insurance question, one of the things I had to do with my tech staff, because as it people, you know, they just want to jump in and solve a problem.


Amy Babinchak: And so, you know, we had a little tabletop exercise on cyber insurance. and I said to them, You know what’s the first thing that you do when, if there’s if there’s been some kind of malware incident.


Amy Babinchak: and of course they were like, you know, prevent the spread, you know. Disconnect the Internet. Do you know, do all this stuff? I was like, no. the first thing you have to do is find out if the customer has cyber insurance.


Amy Babinchak: and if they do, what are the requirements that that insurance policy has


Amy Babinchak: because oftentimes it’s that you have to contact them first before you touch anything. And so is it, you know, if we jump in and start helping, we’re actually


Amy Babinchak: done done the wrong thing in that case. And we did a few months ago. I’ll probably


Amy Babinchak: 6 months ago, or maybe even longer ago now, but it’ll be in the recordings on the resources section of the website. You have to log in first to see that.


But we did do a webinar on insurance


Amy Babinchak: a little different than what you typically see in the industry. So we see out there. So maybe have a listen to that, and then we can


Amy Babinchak: certainly talk about having another one, because it’s a big topic.


Amy Babinchak: It’s got so many details in it as you outlined. The other thing, though I wanted to mention, was the continuing education. And that’s something that we’ve charged the Governance Committee to work on


Amy Babinchak: some, and they are looking at some sort of badging program from us and coming up with those numbers of what’s reasonable amount of continuing education. And


Amy Babinchak: as part of our process, right toward moving toward


Amy Babinchak: that verified professional status in our in our industry. So you, the topics that you brought up actually are spanning at least 2 of our active committees right now.


Karl Palachuk: And I would just note in the resource area if your professional member log in go to the resource area


Karl Palachuk: page 2 is where you’re gonna find that recording on insurance deep dive. And from Brian Mahone, one of our members. And


Karl Palachuk: you know the best thing about this presentation. He’s not trying to sell you anything. So it is literally like different from what other people are doing in our industry, because so many people they just want to sell you insurance. Right? So, this is a great presentation. But it’s also something we need to revisit, because


Karl Palachuk: that world changes, you know every 20 min. And


Karl Palachuk: it’s huge, and it’s not going away. And so it’s a great topic, and we we should revisit it. I would also note that you mentioned selling it. Unless you’re an insurance agent, you can’t sell insurance so but you can partner with people who do? You can’t get a kickback, you know. Blah blah blah


but you should absolutely be pushing your clients to to get it.


Karl Palachuk: And obviously you should look at your own contracts. You know


Karl Palachuk: I did a thing in a different group about everybody. Show up with your insurance. Contract, and we’ll go through them together because a lot of insurance companies provide training that nobody ever takes.


Karl Palachuk: And so your clients may actually have within their liability and cyber security policies


Karl Palachuk: training on cyber security.


Karl Palachuk: And some of it is pretty good right? They obviously outsourced to a training organization. But it’s already in their insurance agreement, so they should be taking advantage of that


Steve Kazan: and kind of on a related topic, the AI discussion we had around security. They talked about having an acceptable use compliance


Steve Kazan: policy. So if you’re interested in security and you don’t haven’t looked at one, we do have a sample


Steve Kazan: up on the website.


Steve Kazan: We also have an AI toolkit.


Steve Kazan: So if you’re looking for sources of useful AI information, check out the toolkit. It’s also up on that same website.


Nicole Singleton Norman: Thanks, Steve, you. I mentioned the AI Work group. Can you provide us with an overview? I know we’ve talked about our committees. But please provide us with more information about the AI work group and how folks can get engaged with it.


Steve Kazan: So it’s just


Steve Kazan: kind of a casual group. We started last summer with people that had questions


Steve Kazan: about how AI was going to impact their business.


Steve Kazan: And now, since creating the toolkit and posting it, we update and refresh the toolkit.


Steve Kazan: The work group comes up with ideas for topics, critical topics to get more information about. We share the latest tools and the latest trends. So, whether it’s Microsoft co-pilot questions over bard or open ais products, we share product information. But we also focus on solutions. So you know, customer service, what’s the impact there? Finance? What’s the impact there? And sometimes it’s just sending out an email? Hey, I read a cool article about how AI is gonna impact the MSP world. And we just share those articles within the group. So right now, I think we’re up to about 8 people. But if that’s a topic that you’re interested in or concerned about, you know, by all means reach out, and we’re happy to welcome you in. And again, if you can add information from a different perspective that would be very useful for us and very helpful. So, we meet roughly once a month. As topics come up and things change. and you know any sort of AI related topic is kind of fair game, whether its people process or technology, you know. And the impacts there. we’re happy to have those chats with everyone.


Nicole Singleton Norman: Great. Thank you. Are there other questions? Is there anything that the group would like to share with us?


Karl Palachuk: I would just like to encourage anybody who’s a paid member to go to our events, Page, you know, and just look at when the committees are meeting, and you know, once a month, or whatever, just look and see what’s coming up and jump into these? You are absolutely welcome to any meeting that we have, and we would love to have more people. You don’t have to be on a committee to be there, and you know the committee meets, and there’s 6 people in your number 7. You’ll certainly be able to join in the conversation, even if you can’t vote on things. And very often no votes are taken. But many things are discussed. So join in the conversation.


Larry Mandelberg: Yeah, Nicole, I just want to, oh, you know, explicitly welcome Pierce. Thank you for coming by and checking this out. I just want to say to everybody, I think, one of the hidden nuggets of gold in the NSITSP are these webinars. They’re really good, and they’re really informative, and they’re really valuable. And I think they’re really excellent ways for you to gain knowledge that will help you in your business. And I’m always looking for ways we can do more promotion of these videos, and I don’t know what the answer is. But can somebody talk about who has access to them, and how membership provides certain access, and that they can’t get just by being, you know, by being a non member.


Nicole Singleton Norman: Larry, if I heard your question correctly, you’re asking about the membership resources that are available. And how can our members access those?



Larry Mandelberg: Well, kind of there’s some of I know some of our web webinars are open to the general public, and some of them are not. and that’s more. What I was asking about is the differentiation between us. Cause there’s a lot of value and membership. If you have access to those other webinars.


Nicole Singleton Norman: I agree with you definitely. Thank you, Larry. We do offer multiple types of webinars, and those are communicated to the general public will say, You know, all are welcome to attend and then those that are specific to members those are offered at no charge. But then we do have some that are separate fee for none members. So to your point, Larry, it definitely pays to be a member, especially if we’re offering, you know, anywhere from 2 to 3 web based development opportunities through NSITSP. So those we definitely check out under meetings regularly, we’re constantly updating and providing information on any of the content that’s becoming available or programs that are becoming available. So you can access that on our website under the meetings tab.


Larry Mandelberg: Thank you, Nicole, thank you.



Nicole Singleton Norman: And then also, just to add to that the recordings are there as well. So if you miss the live participation, you can definitely check out those recordings as well.

So there’s no other questions at this time. Please keep in mind that you can reach out to us at also. We would love to have all of you engaged, whether it’s supporting us at any of the upcoming industry events, or on a committee, or a combination of both. Please feel free to reach out. Be mindful that we have our next legislative open. Q&A. And we’re hoping to see all of you there, and that will be the second Tuesday in March second Tuesday in March, at 10’clock Pacific time again. Thank you. And we will get an email out to let you know when this recording is available. And so if you have a company, a membership and want to engage other company representatives, they can definitely check that out under our member resources. But yeah, thank you all for your participation today. Bye.


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