NSITSP named to most valuable associations list

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They found that while there are thousands of associations in our industry, globally, that only 67 are cited by members of our industry as the most valuable to them.


I was very pleased to see that we landed on a new list generated by Canalys, a global industry research firm. They found that while there are thousands of associations in our industry, globally, that only 67 are cited by members of our industry are the most valuable to them.

From the report: These associations provide individuals, partner companies, vendors and distributors with the opportunity to connect with others in their industry, stay up to date on the latest trends and technologies, and collaborate on projects that can advance their careers. In this report, Canalys lists the top 67 most valuable global associations for partners, vendors and distributors.

The important attributes of those 67 are:

  • Networking opportunities
  • Professional development
  • Growth opportunities
  • Advocacy and representation
  • Industry recognition
  • Community and support

While our organization is young, heck new even, we now have validation that we’re making an impact on the industry. This is due entirely to the volunteer efforts of our Board, Committees, members, vendors and friends, that have all worked tirelessly to get this organization launched. We built this organization as a grassroots movement, to make sure power stays in the hands of the individual member and its working.

If you’re a volunteer for NSITSP, then it’s time to take a moment, just a moment, to pat yourself on the back. You are doing good work here. We also have a long way to go.

Are you reading this but aren’t yet a member of the National Society of IT Service Providers? Please join us today. Together we can move this industry toward more professionalism and be in all the places where people are making decisions about our future.

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