The work begins . . .
The Board of Directors met in special session today and appointed the following members to the Executive Search Taskforce. This taskforce will have a great deal of work ahead of them.
Our organization is now moving forward with attending in-person events, tracking legislation, and even getting ready for the next election cycle in August. So the Taskforce has an extremely important charge: Determining or executive administration as the NSITSP moves up to the next level of professionalism and growth.
The Taskforce members are:
- Amy Babinchak
- Chris Barber
- Jeff Grenier
- Heather Johnson
- Steve Kazan
- Corey Kirkendoll
- Larry Mandelberg
- Karl Palachuk
- Katherine Vigil
- Denis Wilson
They will begin meeting soon and report to the Board of Directors (and you) from time to time.
A big Thank You goes out to these hearty volunteers!