The 2023 NSITSP Elections are just around the corner. Please keep an eye on our blog and prepare your candidacy. I made a video to introduce the 2023 process. Click here to view on YouTube.
Note: You must be a professional member to serve (run for office) and to vote. So verify your status.
Here’s the schedule to be aware of.
August 2023: Filing opens August 1st. Anyone who is a professional member may file to run for an office. When you file, you’ll need to prepare a written candidate statement, upload a profile picture, etc. You will have the whole month of August to add information and fill out your candidate page on our site. Filing closes August 31st.
September 1-14: Official campaigning period. We’ve set up a forum on the NSITSP web site to discuss the election and any topics you want.
September 14-22: Online voting. Each professional members may vote once for each position (Board or Committee).
September 22: Election results announced.
October 1st: New members take office.
I know there will be LOTS of questions. Don’t worry, we’ll answer them at the big all-member meeting August 9th. Register now at In the meantime, please send me any questions you have.