File for Office!


NSITSP Elections are coming up. YOU can run. All you have to do is file.

We elect “about” half the offices each year. Officer serve for two-year terms. That way, we’ve got folks with institutional memory and room for new people. As a result, there are seats available for the Board of Directors and all standing committees.

The following positions are open:

Board of Directors – 3 seats open

Governance Committee – 4 seats open

Legislative Committee – 3 seats open

Finance Committee – 5 seats open

File NOW!

Filing is easy. Head to Scroll down and click the yellow “File for Candidacy” button. You’ll be asked for your photo, a candidate statement, and your affiliations (web sites, social links, etc.). Basically, It’s the kind of thing you have on you LinkedIn profile.

You can always file, fill out some stuff, and then come back and finish it later. BUT know this: We’ll have someone remind you to complete your profile.

Election Timeline Reminder
Here’s the basic timeline for our election “season.”

August 2023: Filing period. Professional members can submit forms to file for office. This will create a customized campaign profile page.

September 1-14: Campaign for office. Use our forums to answer questions and promote your candidacy.

September 14-22: Voting online!

September 22: Winners announced.

Please post any questions here or in our forums.


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Code of Ethics

Check out the brand new Code of Ethics presented at the Quarterly Member Meeting on Nov 9. It’s still a draft,  feedback welcome.

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Vendor Partner Program

Whether you’re ready to join or have some questions, we’d love to connect with you.