A Good Reception with Larger Consultants

We had a great reception at XChange Nashville, which an event made up of larger partners. That's good news for us as it represents our broad appeal.


Thanks to the Channel Company (producer of XChange events and CRN Magazine) for hosting us at the Nashville XChange event.

This event was very important for our organization for one key reason: XChange attendees tend to be among the larger MSPs and IT Service Providers in the U.S. – and they gave us a GREAT reception. During my presentation on Regulation and Legislation, a lot of heads were bobbing.

We had about 50 people in the room, including good attendance from Board and Committee members as well! Afterward, lots of people wanted to talk to us. We walked as a group to the vendor hall – and one member signed up on the spot.

CRN covered the presentation here: https://www.crn.com/events/call-to-action-msps-must-get-involved-in-legislation-and-regulation-of-it-services-industry – including some audience reaction that I was unaware of. The overall impression is that the broader, larger audience of ITSPs is behind our movement.

Now we need to get them as members. Our membership rates are extremely low . That means we need a lot of member in order to cover the basic costs. If you were in the audience, read the article, or have just been watching from afar . . . NOW is the time to join!

I noted in my presentation that we have 800+ members. As I prepare for a Board meeting, I revised the calculation. As of this morning, we have 889 members. That means we’ll have no problem breaking 1,000 by the end of the year. It should be much higher than that. If you’ve been holding out, please go ahead and pay the $150 it takes to make your company a professional member of the NSITSP. https://nsitsp.org/join

In general – Thanks to our special vendor partners like the Channel Company for spreading the word and helping us grow. Starting a brand new national organization with a massive mission statement takes a long time. But we are growing steadily.

Please help spread the word!


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Code of Ethics

Check out the brand new Code of Ethics presented at the Quarterly Member Meeting on Nov 9. It’s still a draft,  feedback welcome.

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